Fascinating and addictive, but grows on you.

User Rating: 8.6 | The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring PC
I personally thought this game wasn't really bad. This is the third strategy game i've ever played on a pc. others being red alert 2 and war craft 3. The gameplay is very simple and easy to learn, compared to war craft 3 which is much harder and difficult. I thought the campaigns were fun and entertaining, although the graphics are a little cheesy and bad. The sound is quite good, but i think the gameplay is mainly what you gotta focus on. I played this game for quite a while, at least 100 hours, and i thought it was really fun. Although i don't really recommend you to get this game, i recommend you to get Lord of the Rings, the battle for middle earth (or you can wait for 2), which is a much better improvement on lord of the ring strategy games.