A potentially good LOTR franchise game, Sadly the experience does not worth a $60 price tag

User Rating: 5.5 | The Lord of the Rings: War in the North X360
LOTR games all this years are pretty much stale lot and it doesnt really standup to the crowd. This game however, have high hopes of bringin fresh ideas to the franchise. WITN is an action adventure RPG, as stated in the casing cover, but after 1 hr playing, you will realized its a same like any action LOTR games with a slight RPG elements spin into it.

The game introduce players with 3 playable charaters, Elf Mage, Human Ranger, and dwarf champion with unique skill trees, that makes them feels unique. The combat however is eventually forced to melee combat because of the corridor based map layout. I personally find the Elf Mage to be weakest in the early game while Ranger is the best overall. Hack and slash with a bit mix of spells and tactics is rather fun to play along, however the friendly AIs are rather bad so highly suggest playing with friends. Also exist characters in the LOTR universe will make there appearance in this game which will provide quest for players to complete. Most of the quests in WITN are generic loot quest like most MMORPG.

The equipment in the other hand, is absolutely lovely, highly detailed and artistic in LOTR universe. There are tons of weapons and armour with 3 different classes armour sets. This plays a role in your character stats and damage give this game a bit more depth. Character models and environment are absolutely beautiful rendered and detailed. Stages ranging from the gigantic fortress to the snowy mountains provide a good change of environment.

The gameplay is extremely linear but slightly better than FFXII. To play, Players will pick a stage to complete via map system which is rather large covering north and the south of middle earth. Players are then transported to a corridor like environment where they will engage enemies with potential of finding loots along the way. Alternatively players will be diverted to hidden treasures which is only accessible by specific class, Mage could open magical barriers while dwarf could smash down a wall or mine ore and the ranger could reveal hidden treasures by highlighting footprints. WITN enemies seem generic LOTR creatures and undead, absolutely no genuine ideas were given to enhance the LOTR universe.

The whole campaign has about 10hrs on the first playthrough with a bit of level grinding and offers split-screen coop. The game has 9 chapters which only span in the north while the south are just 12 mission challenges which is rather familiar to horde-mode. LOTR: War in the North is generically game designed for campaign Co-op and lacked of content for a $60 game. It is the best LOTR games to date, and definitely worth as a good rental title or grab it during heavy discount for split screen or 3 player online co-op for winter holidays.