It's initial complication adds to the value of a great game!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Lord of the Rings: War in the North X360
When my hubby and I first started this game (yes- you can play a duel mission!)- I was initially quite frustrated, as there was little explanation of skills, weapons, map/places, almost everything.. The guidebook had the main controls listed, but nothing further... So we gave it a few days... and of course, you realize that as you play, you learn how to really use each of the character's earned skills, various weapons, and how to skillfully "add points" to strength, will, etc. Eventually, the game became highly addictive, not only with its challenging fights, but with constantly buying, shopping, and upgrading to new armor and weapons. You also have a choice of playing each of the 3 characters- The Champion, The Dwarf, and the Elf.. My hubby loved to play back and forth between the Champion and Dwarf- Farin and Eredeon- and I of course loved playing the Elf magical Andriel-- with her numerous herbs she and stones she would find, I'd be able to blend powerful and healing potions together. One let down- the hardest scene wasn't the finale--- more like the 3rd to last major battle.. It's a timing fight where you must take own 2 large trolls and their numerous minions before they knock down the doors to the palace... This was much more challenging than the final battle with Angandaur which merely took a few spells and some time... Overall, a GREAT game.