This is an amazing game....what bugs me is that people don't realize it!!!

User Rating: 8.4 | The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age PS2
As a LOTR fan, I have been looking forward to this game for a long time. I was a bit surprised when the Gamespot Staff gave it a ridiculous 7.7! It didn't deserve that low of a score at all. The first thing I liked (who couldn't) was the amazing environments. You actually get to free roam MIDDLE EARTH, how much better can it get? The fighting system is great and you really start to like it, even though it was a bit.....ironical at first. You know, with the whole FF thing, but it was good, and they gave it the LOTR twist. Graphics were amazing, immersing you in the world of Tolkien. The characters look great and they don't look blocky or wooden at all. The lighting, the magic attacks, everything was incredible and worked well together. The best of all was the sound. You will not believe how great that was. It's from the original soundtrack, and no one can doubt how amazing that was. Imagine walking through Moria with that amazing music playing. It was just marvelous. The only thing I may have any critisicm about is that, sure you follow the fellowship, and you have a pretty solid storyline, but it could have had some improvement. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was good and all, following the fellowship, and you sometimes take your own route. Though that's rare, and I would have liked it more if they had more of their OWN story, not just a follow. All in all though, it's a great game, though it could have been better.