Really great game!.. A really amazing RPG Game

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age XBOX
Lord of the rings the third age is a great role-playing game for LOTR fans.It offers hours and HOURS of gameplay(u wont believe how much).The game follows all of the lord of the rings trilogies and also it lets u meet all of the characters(including the midget hobbits XD...they suck by the way)This game is a traditional role-playing game where you explore the mines of moria,revendale and all sorts of places where the book can also find tresure chests in the game which have armor and wepons.If you level up you may unlock differnent abilities and moves.The really cool thing about this game is THE EVIL MODE...the evil mode is unlocked during thew game and lets you be lots of different villians and monsters such as sauron...the baurog ( big dragon thingi on the cover).This is one game no LOTR fan should miss


Evil mode

Nice graphics

Lots of armors and wepons

Traditional rpg game and also a strategy game

Hours of game play

Follows movie sequels exactly

Meet and play with all your favourite characters ( aragorn...legolas..and others)