is this good or crap? a bit of both

User Rating: 7.3 | The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age PS2
the fighting is alright the graphics are alright but boy is this game BORING i mean i cant believ how crap the story is and none of the characters seem to have that much background to them and thy are just randomly happy to help you. Its bloody stupid at times The Lord of The Rings has had its title dragged through the mud.

Films= Great.
Games= crap.

the graphics and controls are good but this just isnt lord of thr ings it tries too hard to be final fantasy and failed in every aspect of the way.

The characters are crap sometimes i feel like killing some of them like that bloody female elf cat remember her name and dont really care what it is to be honest.

One of the best lord of the rings game ps2 but please EA Games stop killing a great piece of english literature.

and too bloody easy.