An easy game to enjoy for fans of the trilogy.

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is the final story of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It's quite similar to The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers in gameplay.

Gameplay, 8. Each mission you have to slash your way to victory. There is sometimes something to defend in the game. Other times you just have to just get to the end of the level. There are 9 characters you can play as in this game: Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. The other three are hidden. What character you have to use all depends on the level you're playing on. Most of the time you will play as Sam, Gandalf, and your choice between Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. You and a friend can play cooperatively on each level which can make things easier on you.
The game plays great. Most levels are quite enjoyable and well designed. Each character plays quite uniquely with their own moves and attacks. The idea of being able to play with a friend is nice. The only drawback to it is the fact that if one of you dies, you both lose. This is very common among games where two people can play cooperatively.

Graphics, 9. The graphics are fantastic. All of the characters look like they did in the movie. The levels look awesome too. The graphics generally look similar to the movie, which looked great.

Sound, 9. The voice actors are the very same ones from the movie so that's just great. The music is the same, which is very very good.

Value, 7. There around a dozen missions, which isn't very much, but to be fair most of them take place during the third movie so there can only be so many missions. After you beat the game you can play any mission with any character. There are also extra missions you can play.

Difficulty, Just Right. You can choose what difficulty to have it on. The difficulty is what you want it to be.

Tilt, 7. I liked the game. As far as games based on movies go this game is pretty good and anyone who liked the movie will probably enjoy this game.