a fun and frantic action game that includes some interesting extras and has some replay value

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King GC
- co-op play
- epic scenarios that mix fierce combat with some objective based gameplay.
- interactive actions such as tossing spears, firing catapults/ballistae, and tipping cauldrons of oil on enemies,
- leveling up characters adds some replay value
- simple upgrade system where players purchase new abilities never feels like a chore
- well animated characters
- combat is designed nicely and rewards players for stylish kills and consistent attacking
- combos are simple to pull off using a series of button presses for example "Orc Hewer" is a 3 hit combo done by pressing [A A Y]
- variety of enemies including undead, orcs, uruk-hai, nazgul, those big elephants, easterlings, and trolls. Within some enemy types there are subtypes like archers, shielded and champions which are like super soldiers.
- unlockable interview videos with the movie cast and new characters are unlocked after completing all the missions
- all the character's are voiced by the real actors

- co-op play is only possible in less than half the 13 missions
- the battlefield can get crowded at times to the point where you can't make out your character
- short game. There are only 13 scenarios spread between Gandalf, Aragorn/Gimli/Legolas and Sam/Frodo
- the characters are all basically the same and have the same combos with a few slight variations such as the combo range or if it hits multiple/single enemies.
- the first time you play the game before you have a memory slot saved, you MUST play Gandalf's first level, only then can you access the menu screen. this is lame if you want to start co-op immediately.
- some frame rate drops when the battlefield is frantic with enemies and explosions