The best of the 3 Lord of the Rings.

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
In the Lord of the Rings:Return of the King you will play through multiple characters as you reach the end of the trilogy written by JRR Tolkien. In this one the hobbits missions and story are exposed more than any of the others and the combat in this one is the best. The game play is great and the graphics are good. The guys you face will vary from trolls, orcs, to anything in between. This one feels the most like the Lord of the Rings i imagined. It does a great job at following the overall story and it gives you every characters view points for battles. Another good thing is that once you beat it you unlock a mini game type mode that is loads of fun to play with friends. This might be the best of the 3 but there are still problems such as sometimes repetitive combat and the fact that it occasionally glitches but besides that this is a great game. Overall Lord of the Rings:Return of the King does the best job at representing JRR Tolkien's world and the combat is well done and all in all this is a great game.