Slay loads of orcs, avoid dragons, and kill a massive spider in this great fantasy romp

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King XBOX
Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest fantasy success stories of recent years. The fims were awesome, albeit they were around 3 hours long at best. And with The Hobbit (The first Rings book) roumoured to be in the works. The series lives on. The game is great. Simply becuase it was not rushed like other film tie-ins. The film is around 3 hours (and since the film is directed by Peter Jackson, it was made with care, not rushed, and amazingly shot) OK you have 3 paths to choose from (each with diffrent gameplay styles) The Path of The Hobbit is played from Samwise and Frodo's view. The 1st level is a stealthy escape from a fortress. This path requires both brain and brawn. The Path Of The Warrior (I think its called that) is prehaps the best of the bunch. You play as either Aragon, Legolas, or Gimli and you hack and slash through hordes of enimies. With some epic set-pieces (the collapsing bridge from the 1st level is a highlight) hard as nails bosses (The dead king dude and the killer elephant) and fun co-op (me and my freind got stuck on the 2nd level becuase of the swarms of orcs) Finally The Path Of The Wizard is my least favourite. You play as Gandalf the White and you must defend the castle from The Witch-King (one of the most badass characters in the Rings saga, Sauron is the king of badass in Rings though) its confusing for me. I cant get past the first level of the Wizard path. If you like your games easy dont buy this. If you like your games hard. Then seek this out