A great start to the LOTR RTS series.

User Rating: 8.9 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
In LOTRTBFME (nice short abbreviation, eh?) you can do most things you can in other RTS games. There's a Good Campaign, an Evil Campaign, Skirmish modes, and online multiplayer. Good Campaign is where you control to forces of Rohan and Gondor and fight all the famous battles from the LOTR trilogy such as Helm's Deep and Minis Tirith. The Evil Campaign is the opposite where you control the forces of Isengard and Mordor. So the campaigns are pretty fun (plus you get to keep the armies you build up in each battle.)
And for those who don't know skirmishes are set up battles where you can set up certain rules for it. I'd babble on about that but most of you know what they are.
The graphics in the game are good for an RTS game and the music in the game is music from the LOTR movies which is great music but it can get repetitive after a while.
Now for the slightly bad part of this game. You can't build things anywhere you want. There are little circles around your base and some outside of it where you click on them and choose what to build. That's the main letdown which goes away in the second game. But even so it's still fun.
The game has heroes as well such as Aragorn, Gandalf, The Witch King, etc. Most of them are stronger than other units (duh) and have an arsenal of special abilities (besides maybe most of the hobbits and Gollum.)
This game is now only $10 and is well worth at least trying it out. If you have friends who play it too that's always a plus for the multiplayer aspect.