If you want to play the battles from the LOTR trilogy, then this is the game.

User Rating: 9.1 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
Overall I enjoy this game, its fun. If you love the movies, then I would say get this game because it does a fantastic job at working the movies into the game... It uses movie clips and sound clips right from the movie as well as making their own cinematics out of scenes from the movies. Some actors from the movie also did the voices so you do feel like your in the movie in a sense. Just as EA said, the base building is easy. You have your plot of land with the building circles. You click on the circle and then what building you want to build. There are no peasants that you have to move around the map to build different builings. You can also add towers and even trebuchets if you are Gondor. What I dont like about the bases are its the same all the time. You dont have a variety of putting up walls where you want because the layout of the base is the same, you can just change what buildings you put in which places. Sound is great with many different lines by the units as well as the beautfil music right from the movie sountrack. The graphics are also great but you need a good computer. My only big complaint is if you dont have a great computer you have to run the game on a low detail setting which of course doesnt make it look as good. That also ties into not making thousands of units like the movies because the game will lag too much, but you can still make enough units to feel like the movie. The game is great and a lot of Lord of the Rings fun. There is nothing like plowing down some Uruk-Hai with the Rohirrim or blasting units away with Gandalf. Its a fun game which you should enjoy yourself for a while, especially LotR fans.