Where are all the units, there has to be more but it is not. Make an expansion fast

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
Well this is a great game. The setting the engine, the sounds, everything. Allways wanted to controll the big armies of Mordor. Se the neverending hordes wich is quite fun. And the heroes is a lot of fun too. But it lacks something very important. DEPTH. If you for example play the rohan army, what you got is horsmenn with swords (great), horsmenn archer (great) but where are the rest of 'em. Light and heavy cavlry f.example. You got two kinds of horse menn units and that is all with a few uppgrades. Rohan is known for their horsmenn were are you hiding the rest of'em. EA should realy have made up som other units too. There is the peasants and bowmen and that is all, or have i missed something??. Where are the siege weapons, i know they aint in the movie, but hey what happends when you play rohan vs gondor. They will never breach the walls of gondor And the same it is with all the armies, the lack somthing and what they got is not taken very deep. But it is realy cool too combine troops together. That's very well done, and the ranksystem is good too. Your units can realy get to be old vets. The tactic aspect of the game is very wide even with so few different uints. You are revarded good for tactical waring in this game and that is something nicely done. An other bad thing is the upgrades that you get early. Well there was said that the diffrent armies should be diffrent in every aspect of the game, they are not here. everyone gets the four upgrades bannercarrier, heavy armour, fire arrows and forged swords. And then there is the building, it is realy made a little to simple. it's okey that you aint allowed to build your way into the enemy but hey isn' it a little bit to strickt with apointed spaces to build in. But in spite of all the faults i have written here this is a GREAT RTS GAME, and i will keep playing it. I hope EA can correct this in an expansion VERY soon i will gladly buy and expansion for this game if it adds anything. LOTR is an will be an amazing world, with endless opportunities for expansion.