Although not as advanced as BFME2 the game never gets boring and has good game-play.

User Rating: 9 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
I have spent many hours on this game and pretty much mastered it and I never get tired of playing. There are tons of great player-made maps to play and there is already allot of maps in the game. The campaign is good although it is rather long. The graphics are great for it's time although it was made just about 3,4, or 5 years ago. Compared to battle for middle earth 2 it just does not compare. The cpu is rather dumb in some maps and it is fairly easy. I'd rather recommend battle for middle earth 2 than this because it is just so much better, but if you are a lord of the rings fan you should definitely buy it. You don't get to make your own castle but the White City battle, Helm's Deep, Moria, Isengard, Lothlorien, the Black Gate, and Shelob's Lair all great battles in the game. In the skirmish battles you can have any one against anyone. For example, you can have Mordor and Gondor vs. Rohan and Isengard. You can find this game at Gamestop or Target sometimes for $10.00.