The Battle for Middle Earth is one of the greatest rts games of all time and should not be missed by anyone

User Rating: 9.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
The Battle for middle earth is a lord of the rings fans dream come true;and actually turned out to be a rts gamers dream come to as well because of its great complex and balanced gameplay. Heres my take.

PROS: Great and addictive(in a good way)campaign. In depth and well thought out skrimish mode. Heroes in the game have nice powers that work really well and are balanced. Each of the 4 races have strenghths and weaknesses. Great gameplay ideas such as having a walled citadel as your main base if you are good and a large base as evil. great and realistic combat(not repettive crap you get from most rts games) I could keep going but I don't want to waste your time.

CONS: only 4 races, a few minor frame rate issues

The games basics are these: you start out with your main base which can be a walled fortress an outpost or a camp for good and a outpost from small to large size for evil. you get two troopes of soldiers to capture other plots to build farms and lumber mills(the two resource gatherers. yuo can only build on certian spots which adds to the srtatagy. battle are intense and fun. sieges are great and fun to. If you are a rts fan get this game.

If you have any questions contact me at once
Thanks for reading my review.