This game is a fun RTS that is a goood mix of resource managing and fighting.

User Rating: 7.6 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
One thing that makes The Battle for Middle Earth so much fun is that it groups units together to make the focus on the battle not on micro-managing countless units. The heroes are fun, if slightly overpowered. The thing i found most enjoyable about this game was being able to control the orcs. It is fairly common, but it is always fun to be the forces of evil. One thing i don't like about this game is the way upgrades have such a huge effect on the usefullness of a unit. Many units are useless without an upgrade, but with one upgrade triple their efficiency. This game does have a good three way system of balance, but it is a little boring. Each unit of the Fellowship's side as an opposite on Sauron's side (horses mirror unit = wargs). All in all however this is a fun game with good replayability.