The best lotr strategy game

User Rating: 9 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
The movies of lotr captured the great battles well, but before bfme there was no real way to play them yourself. yeah, war of the ring had helms deep but it was nowhere near as good and enjoyable as this.

The four factions (Gondor, rohan, mordor and isengard) are very well balanced and the online communtiy is one of the best there is, even though this game was effectively "Ditched" by EA, its still thriving and active.

The Ai makes for challenging opponents for beginners and the campaigns are long and enjoyable, but to fully experience this game you must go online, but i wouldnt recommend trying to compete in ranked quick matches because there are more bugs than one would find hovering over a decomposing pile of manure. that aside, i still think its worth getting.