Best Lotr Themed Game To Date

User Rating: 8.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth PC
Played C&C Generals? If you like it then chances are you'll like this as well... This game uses a simple "rock, paper, scissors" system, unlike R:TW or RoN which rewards players for using flanking in order deal maximum damage.. That said, the rock, paper, scissors system isn't really a bad thing as it allows gamers to get into the game fairly quickly, yet it does not "kills" the fun of the game either... I havent really touch any other game ever since i've got this game and I havent really even touch the MP part(where the fun really is) of this game yet... The single player portion is surprisingly good even though i've watch the movies.. It re-create the atmosphere of the movie superbly and even includes an "alternate" outcome for middle earth for those who wants Sauron to win the battle for middle earth. While i did mention it having a simple "rock paper scissors" system, it's far from being a mindless strategy game where all you have to do is produce units and hope for the best.. In this game, you'll still have to capture settlements in order to maximize your resource output and depriving your opponent from enjoying the benefits of it.. You'll face decisions as on what seige weapons to use agaisnt a Gondorain wall, when and what special powers to use in order to turn the battle in your favour, etc etc.. If you're looking for a deep strategy game like R:TW, look elsewhere... Otherwise, this game offers addicting gameplay and endless hours of gaming enjoyment without you tearing off your hair when a cavalry catches your pikeman off-guard.. If you're a lotr fan, get this without any further doubts..