Return of the Witch-King!

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II - The Rise of the Witch-King PC
The BFME series has always been fun to play and this is no exception. The new faction of Angmar is fun to play, with a variety of trolls, wolves, and some cool new heroes, it stands up pretty well for itself. The snow trolls can cover ground quickly and are very effective in fighting basic infantry, while the hill trolls are fairly good at fending off cavalry charges, the wolves are good at swarming enemies and providing backup for stronger units. The thrall master can summon orcs, pike men, wolf riders, and axe throwers, making him a very important element of any army, and the dark rangers are perhaps the best archery unit in the game, along with their sword wielding brothers who are fairly cost effective and efficient. The heroes of Angmar are also as interesting as they are versatile, and the goblin's power has been cut back. Also every faction except Angmar has been given a mini-hero units, which are very effective. The game play has not changed much, and there are several new maps to play with, the games campaign is fairly short and challenging and isn't really anything that will hold your attention for long. The new expansion doesn't really add much, but what it does add is worth playing as each faction has been given some interesting new units and the new faction should prove pretty entertaining. Overall it is an enjoyable experience that will probably replace BFME2 in your collection, and gives you the thrill of controlling several unique powers of Angmar, in addition to giving you some cool new heroes for several factions.