Fun,but with it's flaws.

User Rating: 6.9 | The Lord of the Rings: Tactics PSP
Lord of the Rings:Tactics is fun and flawed. In other words average. Maybe I paid to much attention to it's strong points to notice the flaws. Though I HAVE noticed some flaws. For example the controls at skill/item shop x is go to the map and o is buy. I got ticked every time I pushed x instead of o and played the Wheathertop over and over again! It took me a week to realize how to go back to the shop.Another weak spot is the easiness on most levels.Once you buy all the really expensive powers on the bottom of the skill shop list you are almost invincible.Casting them costs 100-300 AP, but 2 or 3 castings will kill most enemies, including the weaker bosses.

The graphics are not bad ,but they are nowhere near Oblivion's graphics.
Most of the attacks look the same,character models are good. The environments are almost mediocre. Let's just say graphic's is not it's strong suit ok?

The sounds are okay.The music is great but the in-game characters barely talk except the screams and death rattles.Cut scenes are riped straight from the movies so it has to sound just like the movie

This game is good overall. Fans of the movies should buy it,but other people should rent this game. if you don't like it at least you didn't waste $30.