sort of similar to the beloved final fantasy tactics

User Rating: 8.6 | The Lord of the Rings: Tactics PSP
this game was a solid game that i played from start to finish in a few days. i liked the game in a whole because of its diverse players, good graphics, and good or bad choice.this game is good enough to keep me hooked although ive already beaten it.although it may be a little tricky on some levels over all it was pretty easy.i presonally recommend this game . there isnt much of a learning curve if youve played gams like it but if you havent its easy to learn haow to play, even though the controls can get confusing.but if you were addicted to ff tactics like i was than this is for sure a game for you and if you havent played that game than i still suggest you get the game because its the kind of game that no one can hate