Another dissapointment LOL

User Rating: 6 | The Lord of the Rings: Tactics PSP
I'm kind of a LOTR fan but i have to say this was dissapointing. It was kinda like the third age LOTR which only looks kinda nice but no real story and repetitive. I was hoping this game to be like FF Tactics or something nicer. I seriously think it not worth it man . Go rent the dam thing.

THe gameplay is quite slow paced and most of the time u will be doing the same thing. Most of the skills are also taken from the other EA games........
U get a bunch of soldiers wif no skills and a hero and u just try to kill the enemy. I hated the fact that if u are like in front of the enemy or engaging the guy u cant run away as he will chase u like a !@#%$& Oh ya i also did not like the fact that after every battle u immediately go to another area and engage enemies there. There should be more freedom and u should be allowed to explore and have random battles. So in the end u fight every battle and after that u have to go to a new area and fight again and u have to do that the whole game dammit., So it gets boring , boring ,boring ................
But the game featured a few clips from the original movie which was quite nice and the gameplay was also ok.