sorry..........................................I fell asleep

User Rating: 5 | The Lord of the Rings: Tactics PSP
I don't know what these guys are saying giving this game a 9.something. It is rubbish.
Inconcept this game makes total sense. The best bits of the films were the battles. They even made a tabletop game to recreate the battles (buy them from gamesworkshop, they are similar to Warhammer/40 000). So when I heard this game was coming out I thought "YES" but now I say "NO NO NO".
Instead of creating an immersive tactical thinker they have tried to rip off Fire Emblem but forgot to add all of the charm and tension.
You fight the Fellowship or as them to try and save/rule Middle Earth. You know the story by know so I wont go into it.
The battles are all farley low key with a handful of you fighting about 20 of them. The battles can get very repetitive as there are no gaps, it is just fight fight fight and fight some more. There is also no charm, the graphics are bland and the action never seems to kick off. Its like just around the corner a rely cool enemy is going to come and there is going to be a spectacular fight that tests you team and your brain to the limit, unfortunatly there is no corner, it is just one long road which reaches its destination with no truly memorable pieces to show for it.
As with most LOTR games the sound is good but if you think about it its nothing you haven't heard from all the other games anyway.
If you like stratergy games then you may like this but if there not your thing this will put you off them for life. Only for the die hard LOTR/PSP/tactical thinker fans. Play fire emblem or advance wars instead because they are just more fun.