Quite fun despite its flaws

User Rating: 8.2 | The Lord of the Rings: Tactics PSP
This was the first game I got with my PSP at Xmas. I had read the reviews on gamespot but decided to buy it regardless because I'm an LotR fan. I'm glad I did, because despite its flaws, such as relative sluggishness between phases and somewhat odd pauses here and there, the core of the game is really quite fun and enjoyable. It does provide you with a fairly lengthy campaign that at times can be quite challenging. I never found parts of it frustrating.

The campaign proceeds along a map of Middle-Earth roughly tracing the steps of the Fellowship. It's neat because it adds things that werent necessarily in the movie, and also has bonus levels along the way that you can skip, but shouldnt, because theyre fun to play and level your characters up in.

I never found the game repetitive because in each level, the locales changed so much that there was also a different way to win. Furthermore, after you're finished playing one side of the LotR story, you can play the other, following the same story, but different enough to make you want to play it again.

I would stress that any LotR or tactics/strategy fan get this game as it offers a rewarding experience.