Possibly the greast SNES Disny game to date

User Rating: 8.9 | The Lion King SNES
I remember being 8 years old, and waking up Saturday morning to enjoy my favorite thing: Disney games. The Lion King being my favorite, because it doesnt lack the luster the movie had, such has other games like Pinocchio or Aladdin. It follows the storyline fairly well, though at some points the game feels impossible, and can cause many a frustration. The levels are beautiful, and from what I've seen, are the best the system had to offer at that time. The characters look like their film counter-parts, and the levels look like the scenes from the movie. The sound is amazing for the time also, the music being briliant, and you can help but spending 5 mins in the Sound Test option in the Options Menu tinkering the many songs the game had to offer, almost all of which are from the movie. The game is well worth playing atleast once, and can probably be bought for $5 at your local GameStop. If you haven't played it , or could never beat it, now is the time. Don't let this Disney nostalgia go unchecked on your playing list.