A great entry in the Legend of Zelda series. A huge world to explore and plenty of immersible content.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
I have always been a fan of Legend of Zelda, and had always wanted to get this game to see just how good it was. All around, all I heard were positive reviews and I can definitely see why. This game was quite possibly my favourite in the whole series.

A young man in a small village in the woods finds himself the new hero for all of Hyrule, which has for the most part been overtaken by the Twilight Realm. Alongside his companion Midna, Link will brave mountains, castles, and even a different dimension entirely for the sake of all of the people of Hyrule. He even takes the form of a wolf in his quest to stop the usurper Zant from taking over Hyrule.

You take two forms in this game: human Link and wolf Link. Human Link is the Link you're likely used to, and utilises items he's found to aid him on his quest. Wolf Link, however, is the opposite, relying only on his enhanced instincts to get by. Both forms require at least a little use of the Wii's motion controls, which can be somewhat annoying at times, but aren't too much of a problem. Besides, it's tons of fun to run through the grass swinging your sword like a wild person.

As for the overworld, it's even bigger than it was in Ocarina of Time, needed several separate screens for Hyrule Field. Along with that, the towns and villages are sizable, too, and provide homes for many hidden secrets. As traditional Zelda games go, it has a series of dungeons for you to complete throughout the game. All of the dungeons are expansive, and provide a good challenge for players.

As for difficulty the game isn't very hard, and getting stuck is usually solved with a small moment's thought. I hadn't gotten stuck anywhere in the entire game, and never had problems with any of the bosses. Combat is easy for the most part, save for the Darknut fights, which can get a little more action-oriented than other fights.

As for music and sounds, Twilight Princess did simply amazing. The soundtrack was excellent, and I've found myself listening to Twilight Princess' music in my spare time. The sound effect work really well, and are fun to hear coming from your Wii Remote as well.

All in all, this game might not be the very best game out there, but it's pretty close. I enjoyed every second I played, and its faults are far and few between. It only just misses the perfect score for the Wii's slightly bothersome control scheme. I'd imagine the Gamecube version would have scored perfect with me had I played it, though. It's definitely a must-get, though, with the new Nintendo Selects. you can grab this excellent game for just twenty bucks. Twilight Princess, to me, is the best installment of the series.