An excellent launch title for the Wii

User Rating: 9.7 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a great game for the Wii. Everything about the game is superb except for Midna's voice. Read my review if you would like to know what I think of TP

Gameplay: I give gameplay 10 because I think its very well done. Using the Wiimote to slice and attack enemies is actually quite fun and enjoyable. The adventure is really nice. The first dungeon took me a few hours to complete so I expect the game to be a nice, long game.

Graphics: The graphics are excellent. The cutscenes look really nice and life like. The dungeons look great as well. The towns are alright although they look a bit the same to me. I give Graphics a 9

Sound: Sound is really nice, The sound of the sword on the Wiimote when you start the game is a nice touch. The music is slightly different but in a good way. The only problem I have with sound is Midna. She can be annoying at times even though shes a bit helpful in the game. Sound gets 8

Value: For me, I think its great value for this game. I think every Wii owner should think about getting this game because its one of the best games out there for the Wii. Value gets 10

Tilt: I really enjoyed this game. I play this game a lot and I love it. It's one of the best games for the Wii at this moment and it seems quite lengthy. I give it a 10

I recommend this game to everyone who owns a Wii. This game is well done and deserves to be looked at. I'm sure those who will buy the game will love it as much as I did. Really great game