The best Zelda EVER!

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
This game is the best game on earth, for starters. People think that OoT was better but if you find someone who says that, slap him and tell him to start playing newer games. OoT was fun but its getting old and we've all beaten it a million times so lets let a new LoZ take its place. I say it should be Twilight Princess. This game pulled me in with everthing. The music, the graphics(my expectation of graphics arn't high), the gameplay, the plot everything was executed perfectly. The only problem was there wasn't enough Twilight world but that was just a little side feeling. Also my Wii controller cut out sometimes but that was't the games fault. I've beaten it fully twice and each time I've beaten it fully it took me about 26 hours. This pains me to say but it was a little too easy. Every time you attacked it felt like a tutorial but oh well. This is a must buy for people who have a Wii or Gamecube.