I agree with the video review, great addition.... but havent we been here?

User Rating: 8.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
This zelda game is a great game, but i have to agree with the editors of Gamespot. This game is missing some improvements that you would expect to be there. The story is great and the controls work fine, but the free roam that was in the first game is really missing in this one. To make matters worse... there really isnt a lot character interaction as the first. The ability to go and discover things is lost. Graphics are outstanding, and again not enough can be said about the story,... but the lack of voice over gets annoying, plus you never stop feeling like this game took what it wanted from the orcarina of time and disguised it, while throwing the rest away.

I would recommend you download the orcarina of time again for 5 bucks and play it again. Twilight Princess is a must "play" (not a replay game, so after you get the expirience take it back) but not better than galaxy.

With that said however, the game is one of the best on the wii platform.