Almost 6 YEARS has past, does Twilight Princess still hold up? Absolutely!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
When the Wii was first released. Along came Twilight Princess. A Zelda game, both for Gamecube and Wii....What a perfect way to release.

When a console is dying, give it a Zelda Game.
When a console is born, give it a Zelda Game. Great Idea.
So when the game was released, the game was praised.
Now Almost 6 YEARS has past, does Twilight Princess still hold up?
Absolutely! It's still a awesome game.

The story takes place after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, favorites,
It begins with Link as a young adult working as a ranch hand in a Village. One day, the village is attacked by monsters, who carry off the village's children. Then all of sudden, A shadow beast pulls link fbeyond the wall into the Twilight Zone...i mean The Realm of Twilgith, where he is transformed into a wolf and imprisoned. He escapes thanks to Midna, visits Zelda at Hyrule. Goes back to the Village. And it's up to Link to figure out what the heck happened, and save the day....again.

The GameCube and Wii versions has minor differences. The Wii version of the game makes use of the motion sensors and built-in speaker of the Wii Remote. The speaker emits the sound-effects from weapons, Midna's laugh when she gives advice, and the Zelda "chime" when discovering secrets.

On the Wii, Link's sword by swinging the Wii Remote. Other attacks are triggered using similar gestures with the Nunchuk as well. While on the Gamecube, its your standard controls from The Wind Waker. The Wii's controls are obviously inferior, but they are really-responsive.

One New thing that you see in Twilight Princess, is that you can turn into a Wolf, whichs is pretty cool, you can move more quickly, attack by biting, and dig holes to create new passages and uncover buried items. In reminds me a lot of another game...hmm....
The one problem with being the Wolf, is that it kinda drags on and on in these sections sometimes. Up to the point where i was playing more Wolf Link than Human Link!

The gameplay is great. Dungeons are really well designed. And everything feels well organized, and straight-forward without feeling forced to be not so. Thats one thing I give Zelda games,

The graphics are pretty good, not really colorful, but they're not ugly. They're just not bad to look at, but I have seen better looking Zelda games.

But what makes up for the the music, while not much music in the game, they're some moments, where the music is just AWESOME, take Hyrule Field for example. Just fantastic, and my favorite music in Zelda i always look forward to, Zelda's Lullaby, it sounds beautiful. Music like that makes me want to just stop for a minute and listen to the music.

With the exception of a little drag with the Wolf, Twilight Princess is a classic, a classic the Wii, a classic for the Gamecube. Yeah, the Cube Version's better. But come on! They're both the same game. It doesn't really matter for me.

You got Ocarina of Time, which has a charming atmosphere.
You got Majora's Mask, which has a dark lonely atmosphere.
Both have good stories.
But you know what? Twilight Princess has a bit of both. It's lonely and charming. And that's Twilight Princess is one of my favorites.