Although not as impactful as it once was this latest instalment still manages to improve the excellent core design.

User Rating: 8 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
Wind Waker maintains the series' tired and true formula, producing another high quality adventure with unmatched style and charm. The visuals look fresh, new and captivating and suit the adventure perfectly. The smooth animation and high production values all work together to create the superior standards you'd expect from a Zelda title.

The game play mechanics are tight, responsive and work great, combat is still fun and fulfilling with a number of nice additions. Retreading the similar dungeon design and typical series formula starts to feel a little uninspired. The games closing section is abrupt and feels unfinished as though Link is being rushed to conclude his journey. Overall the game design isn't a significant step forward from previous outings but still a fun and polished affair.

Travelling the ocean on your very own boat gives a good sense of scale and there are plenty of optional pass times to keep you mildly entertained while out on the open sees. It's not all plain sailing however due to the clumsy way in which navigate is handled, which ultimately limits the desire explore.

Aside from a few minor niggles this is an exceptional game, providing a highly polished adventure with entertaining dungeon sections and tight combat that makes every encounter a thrill. What it lacks in surprise it more than makes up for in quality.


Release date: 2003