This game is so awesome! One of the best Zeldas' ever!

User Rating: 10 | Zelda no Densetsu: Mugen no Sunadokei DS
This game is a must have for any Zelda fan or DS fans. It picks up straight where Wind Waker left off with Link and Tetra traveling together. It even has some music from Wind Waker in the opening movie. The touch screen controls are GREAT. The game looks great, sounds great, is great. You can do anything in this game. You can fish, salvage treasure, dig, explore, fight, flee, basically anything. The story is very interesting and as soon as you start, you'll be Link, not play as him. Personally, I love this game. I gave it a perfect 10 for a reason. For $35, it is well worth it. Get it. Now. You'll be glad I told you to. Seriously I have been playing it for the last 5 hours at least. Non stop too. Just go get it, it's awesome.