The googly-eyed Hero of Time is back for a new adventure on the DS and it didn't dissapoint!

User Rating: 9.5 | Zelda no Densetsu: Mugen no Sunadokei DS
Since they've announced a new Zelda game for the Nintendo DS, I just bursted with excitement, especially since they brought back good'ol googly-eyed Link from the Windwaker game. With all previews, trailers and gameplay, I just knew that this game was gonna be awesome, and guess what, I was right!

Beautiful controls, terrific use of the touch screen, and with also some pretty good graphics makes it a new way to experience the Zelda series, and it actually succeded! I love the way that you can draw things on your map with the stylus so that you won't be able to forget stuff that your supposes to be doing, its very useful when solving a lot of puzzles in different dungeons.

Nice story line, really tricky dungeons (some annoying ones) that involve some backtracking later in the story and awesome boss battles makes it a game totally worth buying!

WI-FI usage is somewhat not very entertaining, but its actually fun when playing with a lot of your friends that are beside you, or online. Which is a neat addition to the game.

Did I forget to mention how awesome this game looks? I recommend it to all Zelda fans and for every DS player alive! Great job Nintendo, keep at it!