This game is revolutionary and can be called something more that perfect. To say othetwise would make you a damn fool.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
It is the whole package. It has amazing graphics (have you noticed the baackround?), sound story, gameplay that outdoes all other games to date and enough gamesplay to still be fun after playing it for most of my life.

The graphics are unmatched for the time. The backround of the game is amazing. It is never the same. In the fields, theirs the volcano. On the volcano, theirs the village. Everywhere you go you can see the surroundings witch isn't seen in all games even to this date.

Now for the story. It would seem like a stupid idea on paper BUT paper can be wrong (example: the A-bomb looker great on paper). The jumping from year makes for a great story and helps bring out some epic gameplay.

The gameplay is what really REALLY makes this game what it is today. It can't be sumed up in one word but, if you want to try, it's epic. Epic... Their are a good 20 weapons, all of them great. The bow, 3 swords (4 actully, Gorons and Giants Knife), Bombs AND bombachus, bumerang, hammer, deku sticks, deku nuts, fariy slingshot and a few more I cant think of at the moment.

To sum it up, it has it all. It is without doubt the greatest game of all time and like I said before, it can be called more than perfect. I can recomend it to ANY gamer no matter what kind of gamer they are. Anyone will like it. Period.