User Rating: 9.8 | The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition GC
After contemplating purchasing a Gamecube for a while, I got word that a 'Zelda Bundle' would be included after Nov. 17. It peaked my intrest, simply for that fact that my first videogame was The Legend of Zelda, which was included in the pack. I picked up my Cube today, and it was so, so worth it. The collector's edition comes with 4 games: The Legend of Zelda, Legend of Zelda II, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Also included is a retrospective movie (clips from the games in chronolgical order of release), a trailer for Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and a 20 minute playable demo of the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. First, The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II are perfect, full conversions of the classics you remember. The music, sound effects, text, and gameplay mechanics are transfered over perfectly onto the Gamecube. No load times, and the controller feels perfect for both games. Outstanding. The Nintendo 64 Zeldas (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask) are brought over quite respectively onto the Gamecube. There is brief loading before gameplay, but nothing very long. The graphics are cleaned up a bit, which is a very nice treat. Majora's Mask has a warning before gameplay, however, as it seems the game didn't transfer perfectly over to the Gamecube. So far, I have had absolutely no problems with it, so it seems as if it's put there for a failsafe incase something does decide to happen. All of the music, items, dungeouns, etc. are here in spades, and show that they stand the test of time. All-in-all, this is a classic bundle that should be had by every Gamecube owner. All 4 classic games, all on one disc. In my opinion, it makes the Gamecube worth the price of admission on it's own. You'll be humming the music, thinking about the games when you shouldn't (i.e. work, school, etc), and most importantly, you'll remember your gaming past, and celebrate it in front of your own television. That, my friends, is something to be thankful for.