User Rating: 7 | The Last of Us PS3

The scenario is great, the characters are credible and look almost human with eyes expressing feelings. The art is magnificent The music is absolutely great. You enter in this game right on the spot with a dramatic scene at the beginning. You are set to take over Joel's character and personality.


The AI is absolutely terrible. Stealth is a must in this game. Not only the AI companions are complicating stealth actions (especially Ellie and Sam), but it seems that Naughty Dog has placed a "GPS" implant in Joel's brain so that he will be detected even behind a stone wall. Even by using a stealth kill, enemies would mysteriously appear in the sector you are hiding even if it was a perfect kill ... and those enemies would even try to flank you even if they do not suppose to have a clue where you are.

Thus, it seems that the fights are already fixed ... at your disadvantage.

If you do not mind to be killed a dozen time ... or more ... then fine. The game is for you. But if you take as a challenge not to be killed to often, well, this game would be the cause of lot of frustrations ... and the AI would make sure that you get those frustrations even if you play as you should play.