Beautiful game, really poor controls ruin the experience

User Rating: 6 | The Last Guardian (Collector's Edition) PS4

The game is beautiful, the puzzles are fun and engaging.

This should be a great game that the user can become immersed into and forget the passage of time for hours.

The problem? Controls that don't work and result in repeated frustrations.

You know how to solve the puzzle, but you can't make the character do what you want.

You even KNOW how you are supposed to make them do it, but they don't because the controls are so poorly designed.

It turns what should be an awesome experience into an exercise in aggravation.

I finally quit because I got tired of repeatedly struggling with the game to get it to do what should be easy - like getting the kid to jump off of a rope when you lean out and push the button.

If the controls worked the way they should I would rate it a 10.