An underrated attempt for a Megaman clone, and a successful one featuring a witch.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Krion Conquest NES
Graphics: Basically everything is the same as Megaman, a lot of the sprites look like they were ripped and edited, which they probably were. You can tell the main character's was, watch how she moves and attacks, even jumps. Although, the setup and everything graphical is very good.

Sound/Music: The music can become somewhat annoying after awhile, but it's not horrible. The sound pretty much is what you'd expect from a platformer; jumping, shooting, etc.

Difficulty: Extremely hard, next to impossible! It took me forever to beat this game. Its difficulty is not to be taken lightly.

Gameplay: As mentioned above, this is almost a clone to Megaman, although altered slightly. The storyline is quite similar, except this is one of the few games where you can play as a heroine. To add to that, she's a witch! Rather than collecting the different attacks from the bosses, you have all weapons. You have an ice attack, a bouncing diagonal-motioned ball, and so on. The ball comes in handy and is my weapon of choice, being it can bounce off walls. You can, also, charge some of your weapons by holding the fire button down. Also, there's a broom attack which fires a broom for you to jump on. Once you fire while standing on it, it'll move the direction it's facing. Pretty nifty!

Controls: Just like Megaman; A is jump, B is fire (hold to charge on some weapons), Start is pause/weapon menu, and D-pad moves you.

Overall: Despite how hard the difficulty in this game is, it is actually not bad, at all. In fact it's one of the better platformers in this style for the NES. If you're tired of seeing Megaman and want something a little different yet with the same fashon, try this out. It's not easy to find, though.