Cool game and idea, mediocre execution

User Rating: 6 | The King of Route 66 PS2
When I bought this game, I didn’t realize that it was a sequel to 18-Wheeler, which I wished to play.
TKOR66 is a cool, with decent graphics and music/sfx. The problem is with the gameplay. I liked how driving trucks feel, and also velocity, cornering, etc… but the missions are too short. You start a mission, run like hell to get first to the finish line (and beat your rival), and that’s it. Actually, that’s it about 20 times. You don’t have time to look at the city, the cars, your truck, just look at the blinking finish point and get the way there.
If we could have more time, or maybe a system like OutRun or Cruisin’ USA, where you can get to the end without interruptions….
So, don’t buy it blindly…check it out first…anyway, it is a cool game.