Best in series... Maybe the best in genre.

User Rating: 9 | The King of Fighters XI PS2
So KoF Xi finally makes it to America and what a transition it's been. This game is beyond all means a necessity for the fighting genre fan such as myself. I can honestly say that snk is now towering of capcom when it comes to the fighting arena. Some may argue me down for that comment but hey, I just call it like I see it.

This game looks amazing. Yeah yeah, they still use sprites, but these are some of the cleanest sprites that I've ever seen. Ok so we all know that you can edit the colors of your characters right? ok maybe I'm late but I didn't know that you can change the hit action or the color of an actual fireball. That's great, and new to me.

Anyway, the layout is something new to KoF. Normally you would get the generic menu screen with the generic titles for each game mode. Well the generic modes are still there but you now have a better look for it. Speaking of game modes there is a new mode to KoF, the mission mode. If you've played GGXX I know you're thinking, this is going to be a pain and virtually unbeatable. Well, that's not the case. Compaired to the GGXX mission mode, KoF's is a walk in the park, of course with some difficulty.

The Gameplay is as good as it's ever been. Even though they are using a new engine, the gameplay is still the same as any other kof. It's almost like looking at an old car with a new coat of paint, and that is not a bad thing. Oh and how can I almost forget the ingame switching? This is something that I'm glad they brought back. I haven't seen it done as smoothly as this from SNK.

The story continues were kof 2003 left off ( i almost sound like I'm repeating GS). I don't want to get into the endings but I will say, that the bosses are still cheap and extremely difficult.

My suggestion is that for any 2d fighter fan, you have to get this game. It's only $19.99. Well You have to find it first. It had taken me a month to find one and I'm in the 4th largest city in America.

All in all, get the game, live the game, love the game.