Great inventive game, fun to mess around with

User Rating: 7.9 | The Incredible Machine PC
This is the kind of game that any entrepreneur, inventor, or tinkerer will love. This game is basically a huge puzzle game. You solve puzzles by using different tools, machines, and physics in conjunction with each other. There are boxing gloves, balls, bricks, railings, even animals you can use. There is a vs. mode in which you race with another player to get the puzzle done first, and then there's a mode where you solve a series of puzzles. I think there are like 40 puzzles. And then there's freestyle mode. Freestyle mode is a mode in the game where you just mess around and make your own puzzles. I think this is the most fun because you get to choose your own music, background, and style. It would've been nice if you could import music. I love this game and I really hope that they make a sequel.