This is one of my all-time favorite PC games. This is a classic series done even better.

User Rating: 9.6 | Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions 2 PC
They started making the Incredible Machine a little more than 10 years ago. This is the latest installment, so unfortunately Sierra hasn’t made one of these since 2001. ARE YOU LISTENING SIERRA? MAKE MORE INCREDIBLE MACHINE! If you like puzzle games or games involving logic, you will love this game. What will happen is you will be given a series of parts to create a complex machine to perform a simple task. If have ever heard of a “Rube Goldberg Machine”, or if you have seen the breakfast machine at the beginning of Back to the Future, you know what I’m talking about. Just go to this website to see some more examples:

Anyways, there will be a Rube Goldberg machine with the vital parts left out. Your job is to finish the machine. There will be more than 200 of such scenarios called “contraptions”, and they range in difficulty from pathetically easy to impossibly difficult, so anyone can pick up and play this game. The gameplay is solid and the only setback to this game might be that the graphics are a little dated and the sound isn’t phenomenal (usually I just turn the music off and play something of Windows Media Player). You can also do two-player multi-player, which can get pretty crazy when both of you have different ways of solving the contraptions. You can also create your own contraptions, and you used to be able to share them over the internet, but Sierra shut that site down. WHY DID YOU DO THAT SIERRA? Anyways, this is a great game and is worth the $5-$10 it’s going for on Amazon and eBay. So what are you waiting for? Go to Amazon/eBay and get The Incredible Machine Even More Contraptions. You won’t regret it.
P.S. This is one of my first Reviews so I would REALLY like it if I could get some feedback on this. If you could, I really appreciate it if you would send me a message if there is anything wrong with this. Thanks.