HOTD4 is possibly one of the best in the series, if not the best light gun game out there.

User Rating: 9.1 | The House of the Dead 4 ARC
The Good: Incredible presentation, fenominal graphical designs, Refined gameplay now puts you in use of an Uzi with Granades, better look and feel than the last game, awsome bosses, slightly immersive story.

The bad: minor sound issues\dialogue. Better if played with a friend.

HOTD4 is the newest installment in this popular light gun series. it takes place in the city of what I think is London. And London appearantly has been infected with a deadly virus that has awakened thousands of dead, and destroyed the living citizens. the gameplay has moments where there are truly awsome chaotic moments in where the zombies seem to group ominously fast and you seem like oyu are going to die. But you are equipped with an Uzi with autofire capabilities and a granade launcher button on the side of the gun you hold. Pretty awsome. The game has become much more evolved after a few years, and the gameplay and the incredible grahics and even the bosses look and attack with ferocious intensity. Many new surprises await in this prequel to HOTD3. And HOTD4 is probably the greatest game in the series yet.

Rated M for Mature: Animated Blood and gore, Strong animated violence.