A definate must-have for any Tolkien fan.

User Rating: 8 | The Hobbit GC
Well this is a fun game, but I am a huge J.R.R. Tolkien fan. I do not know what people who have never read any of his work or who don't know anything about him would think about this game. But if you are familiar with The Hobbit, the game's story should not be anything new to you. Now as for the graphics, they are great and the sound, wonderful. You should be able to pick up the controls very quickly, they are that easy. It was really fun for me to play through because I knew what was going to happen next if they kept to the book, being as every level was named after the chapter in the book, which was pretty cool. I remember thinking to myself about how the Wood Elves were going to be like in this game and what it was going to be like getting to Smaug. So it really gave me something to play for, and I am sure other fans of Tolkien played through it similar to how I did.

well, I have played through it a couple of times so the replay value in the game is there, but if you don't like or know about Tolkien I would not expect much if any replay value for you. I would recommend this game for any fan of Tolkien, The Hobbit, or The Lord Of The Rings.