The Hobbit is a pretty good game for the ps2 but it gets old.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Hobbit PS2
The Hobbit is a pretty good game. It has good gameplay while fighting against monsters and ok graphics. It has a really good storyline but what bugs me about it is that it's fun but then once you get really into it the game gets boring. I played for about 15hours on it and it just got boring.

I remember getting really far and then getting stuck. It took me about a week too finall figure out what to do but during that week it lowered the fun. Then i kept playing it but i got stuck again and i swear i tried to get past it forever but i could never figure out what to do. By then i was so bored with it that i stopped trying and haven't played since then.

I do not play my play station 2 anymore but if i did the best game on there is soul caiber 3. It is great grphics and really fun with a friend. I would definetly get that game f you play the play station 2. Well that's all hope that my review helped you learn more about the hobbit.