A Zelda Clone from Tolkien for tolkien fans or Kids

User Rating: 6 | The Hobbit GC
This game is about leading the hobbit bilbo baggins on adventure with the seven dwarfes and Gandalf. Yoy help the Dwarfes with missions that are sometimes really funny but sometimes boring as h***. You also gathers smaragds and money.

Graphics: The graphics mediocre and it look likes a game to nintendo 64 rather than gamecube. The graphics are cartoon and would be liked by a younger public

Sound: The sound is Very good and the music is Great and reminds you of the music from Peter Jacksons movies. The voices are pretty good to. The voice of Gandalf, Bibo and the Dwrafes are very good

Control: The control is poor and its anoying to jump between platforms when you must stand correctly or you fall down and die.

Value: The value is mediocre it took around 10 hours for me to play the game and thats ok but there is no levels ore not the thrill to play the game again not in the 5 years to come

Tilt: Even if there is poor graphics and control there is something in the game make you play it and sometimes it is hard to stop playing but next time you are bored after 10 minutes when you got stuck on some really boring mission. The game is ok but maybe for the younger public 8-12 years or really hardcore fans of tolkien

+ The music and Voices
- The graphics
- The control
- No Levels

Graphics 5
Sound 8
Control 4
Value 5
Tilt 7