just d yourself a HUGE favor...NEVER EVER buy a game with the words: "history channel" in its titel.

User Rating: 1 | The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific PS2
dont buy games of the history channel...worst games!!! I played this game..terrible!!! but u know what is even worst?? "the history channel: great battles of rome"...the game is as abysmal as abysmal gets...over 100 battles??? you will not want to go throw more then 2...and each battle doesnt last more then 40sec...and then you win...anyway..here is my review on "the history channel: battle for the pacific.

good: nothing

bad: everything else..

please!! dont play this game

I need 100 words..lalalalalala...la.....

123456 12345 1234 123 12 1 999382938 once upon a time..
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