Not too bad. Worth playing for about 20 minutes and that would be because it only takes that long to beat it.

User Rating: 7 | The Hell in Vietnam PC
Well initially I thought the game wasn't going to be worth the load up time but it was. The game is very short and doesn't run well on my computer graphic wise which it should have. They need to tinker with the games engine for smoother play. But for the 20 minutes it took to beat the game I enjoyed it. Is it worth buying? No way! But It was given to me so who cares. Really felt like a test version not yet completed. No bugs or anything and completely linear game play which sucks. If they took this game and made it into a Vietnam rpg type game with free roam , choosing missions, and a type of territorial type struggle then the game would be one of the best. Not a horrible game but also not a great game. The game is a piece to a better game puzzle. Not even almost but it has promise if they ever wanted to take it back to the drawing board, and with my suggestions it would be a top rated game easily.