It's a great concept - and a pretty fun game. Worth $10, 15 dollars.

User Rating: 7 | The Guild: Gold Edition PC
The Guild Gold includes Europa 1400 and it's expansion pack unreleased in America.

It's a different type of game - it's like you're living in the Middle Ages - you have an occupation, you get a wife, you have kids, you rise in the political ranks - it's pretty cool. I've always wanted a game with this concept - to live in the Middle Ages - for it to be an economic/virtual life simulator. However, the game has it's limitations.

There isn't enough to do in the game - the gameplay gets repetitive. What's there is good, don't get me wrong, and all the concepts are executed well - the problem is that there aren't enough things to do.

Like, you can upgrade your house only so many times, upgrade your building in your line of work only so many times, and upgrade the upgrades in your building only so many times.

And the politics are good - but it's pretty simple - bribe your future boss enough so that he hires you. But still, it's pretty fun - it just needs to be more complex - there needs to be more factions, and functions that that factions fulfill.

So basically the game is very good - it does everything it means to do right. That being said, there isn't enough content for the casual gamer to stay interested for as long I was interested in it.

I wish someone would make a game just like this virtual life/economic simulator, except better, more complex, with more little minigames and things to do, better graphics and more interaction with the towns citizents.

But until then - this game will do. A recommend buy in the bargain bin for $10-15.