I buyed it for €10 and it's worth it! play it, enjoy it, love it, sell it...

User Rating: 8 | The Godfather: Mob Wars PSP
When i buyed it, it only costed me 10 frickin' euros...

Hm, the first time i completed it, it took me, i dunno, 5 houres?
something like that...
The second and tirth time, it took me 3 houres, and it still enjoyed it...
In a total, i completed the game seven times!! But, i still enjoyed it, i mean, the stuff you can do in the game are good, specially the 'chop of the horse's head and put it in the guy's bed'-mission is fun.
The game mode to conquer all the places of cities (i forgot the name) is greatly done, but it sucks that you can't just walk in the city like in GTA and games like that...
Thanks to this game, i wanna see all the movies, now i only have to convince my parents that i'm not to sensitive to see them(come on!! i've already seen things that are much worse!! Like Ooprah, dancing in a vid on youtube)...

Play the game dudes! It costs you no money!!